回复 :即便是号称不夜城的纽约,遍布全市的霓虹灯也无法照亮夜幕中的每个角落,电台节目主持人艾瑞卡(朱迪•福斯特 饰)和恩爱的未婚夫(尼维•安德鲁斯 饰)就在某个夜晚误入了最肮脏的黑暗世界,被一伙暴徒围攻,艾瑞卡被打成重伤,未婚夫惨遭杀害。伤愈之后的艾瑞卡找到警探朋友,也是她忠实的听众梅瑟(特伦斯•霍华德 饰),要求他主持正义,但这个被无数罪案搞得焦头烂额的人,无法把全部精力投入到艾瑞卡的案子上,愤怒的艾瑞卡决定自己解决问题。她从黑市买了一把枪,成为了“暗夜复仇者”,惩罚逃脱法网的罪人。这一切,引起了梅瑟的注意,他所代表的法律的正义显然不能认同艾瑞卡的做法,二人之间的矛盾终将爆发……
回复 :故事发生在1950年巴西的里约热内卢,18岁的尤丽狄茜与20岁的吉达是一对形影不离的亲生姐妹,她们与保守的父母一同生活。虽然家风传统,姐妹俩却各自怀揣梦想:尤丽狄茜想做一名职业钢琴家,吉达渴望追寻真爱。在一次戏剧化的变故后,姐妹被迫分离,两人各自的梦想也因生活的无奈被搁置。即便如此,姐妹俩从未放弃找寻彼此的希望。
回复 :Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...