回复 :1161年,大宋国土幅裂,金主完颜亮侵占中原,并再欲大举南侵。中原百姓不堪严苛压榨,奋起抗金,年方二十一岁的辛弃疾聚集乡众参加了由耿京领导的一支声势浩大的起义军,战功赫然。1162年,力主驱逐侵虏、收复失土、实现统一的辛弃疾,奉命南下说服南宋朝廷北伐,在他完成使命归来,却见主帅耿京被叛徒杀害后义军溃散的乱状。侠义所使、激愤所驱和再凝义军士气所谋,辛弃疾率五十多骑突袭数万人金军大营,生擒叛徒南归,写就一段悲壮的峥嵘历史。
回复 :Mike Regan(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 饰)拥有他想要的一切:美满的家庭,一栋顶级的全智能别墅,而他的公司则将彻底改变航空业。直到他信赖的ITguy因为Regan一家的冷落而失去理智,开始跟踪他的女儿,监视他的生活….往日依赖的全智能家居和汽车系统如今成为最大的安全隐患。随着隐私的全面暴露,Regan一家陷入前所未有的恐慌,一场个人隐私和现代科技的博弈就此展开……
回复 :Pierre is a shy man whose sole focus in life is studying astrology in solitude, which is often difficult since he still lives at and studies in his parent's house. His parent's would rather he date and get married. He takes on this task with verve. Not knowing how to approach women in a romantic way, he watches how other men operate and tries to emulate them, most often without success. He ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, a fun loving woman named Laurence who lives next door, but he becomes obsessed with Stella, a singer he sees on television. He believes her love song is being sung directly to him. As Pierre tries to get away from Laurence while pursuing Stella, he may miss the perfect match who may be right under his nose. Written by Huggo