中文字幕Haejin Park, a trauma therapist, is forced to face her family's darkest past when she returns to her childhood countryside-farm to console her heartbroken younger sister.
中文字幕Haejin Park, a trauma therapist, is forced to face her family's darkest past when she returns to her childhood countryside-farm to console her heartbroken younger sister.
回复 :演员阵容鼎盛的文艺小品,包括:保罗.纽曼、布鲁斯.威利斯、梅拉尼.格里菲思、洁西卡.坦迪等。导演是导过《克拉玛对克拉玛》的罗伯特.本顿。剧情以一名个性倔强的老建筑工为中心,描写他与周遭的镇民在纽约北部的朴素小镇中过着虽不富足却悠然自得的生活。全片没有太大的戏剧高潮,但对小镇风情的经营相当成功,保罗.纽曼演出跟他实际年龄相称的老角仍具神出鬼没风彩,获柏林电影节最佳男主角奖。
回复 :Based on True Events: An Asian American Hacker investigates a website that creates torture videos. He becomes the unwilling sidekick for the sinister mastermind behind it, who changes his life in horrible ways.
回复 :出没在洛杉矶酒吧,夜总会的扑克老千世界里,三名行骗高手各怀鬼胎准备大显身手,当他们将高额赌注压宝在下一头肥羊“THE DEAN”身上时,不料却卷入连串黑道复仇杀机中难以脱身,到底谁在骗谁?水能全身而退?不到最后一秒无法预知真相。