回复 :少年师爷讲述的是初到江南游玩的小太子在机缘巧合下来到了水乡绍兴,结识了小师爷、小越、丁丁、钱贯等小伙伴,展开了一段段稀奇古怪、啼笑皆非的小故事。故事中作为智慧和正义的代表——小师爷,通过自己的力量处处替人排忧解难,博得邻里乡亲的交口称赞。而成为一名顶天立地、为国为民的大师爷更是他从小的梦想。
回复 :PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.
回复 :一年一度的七夕即将到来,东京、神奈、静冈、长野等地却接连发生六起连环杀人案,被害者身边皆留下麻将牌中的七筒和奇怪暗示。由于作案范围过大,各地警署探员纷纷聚到东京警署的专案组共同研究案情,毛利小五郎也被邀请参加,柯南则偷偷听取了会议的内容。会后,柯南无意中听到群马县警部山村操哼唱的童谣,继而发现有黑衣组织的成员混进警察中间。在一次围捕行动中,柯南遇到假扮人质的Vermouth,得知近期一连串的杀人案件与存有组织内部人员资料的记忆卡有关。与此同时,潜入警察内部的间谍偷偷盗取工藤新一和柯南的指纹,新一的身份眼看被拆穿,巨大的危险正向他和身边的人急速袭来……