不漏不要Inspired by true events follows OJ Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson in the last days leading up to her tragic death on June m.77mi.cc 12 1994, as seen from her point of view.
不漏不要Inspired by true events follows OJ Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson in the last days leading up to her tragic death on June m.77mi.cc 12 1994, as seen from her point of view.
回复 :A bureaucrat is imprisoned in a haunted house for interrogation. However, things take an unexpected turn when she gets possessed by a spirit.
回复 :葡萄牙电影,入围2017悉尼电影节。幽深的失魂森林,是葡萄牙的自杀胜地。某天,一个想要自杀的老人,遇见了同样求死的女孩。老人和女孩,各自敞开心扉,在赴死的边缘犹豫。接着,画风骤转,女孩把老人切腹,大开杀戒。贯穿全片的一句话是梵高的“悲伤永驻”。
回复 :古镇民间传说画画有三大禁忌,所谓“三不画”:午夜不画、眼睛不画、鬼不画。午夜作画,可能引起阴气,招来鬼魂;画眼睛,可能将人摄魂;画鬼,这个鬼就会缠着你。画家陆风初来乍到,不相信这个传说,和妻子欧阳雪搬到镇里一栋古宅里,他每天都在画室创作到深夜,紧接着妻子就无故失踪,画室里也开始出现异象……