Brett Halsey,灿烂Meg Register和Lino Salemme主演,灿烂卢西奥·弗尔兹导演的恐怖片,在西西里岛考古的几名队员意外地惊醒了500年前被谋杀的修女恶灵...作为导演粉丝,我不得不赞叹卢西奥的想象力,情节虽俗套但杀人手法真是惊人,“家猫挖眼杀”“两树分尸”“幻影裸杀”...
Brett Halsey,灿烂Meg Register和Lino Salemme主演,灿烂卢西奥·弗尔兹导演的恐怖片,在西西里岛考古的几名队员意外地惊醒了500年前被谋杀的修女恶灵...作为导演粉丝,我不得不赞叹卢西奥的想象力,情节虽俗套但杀人手法真是惊人,“家猫挖眼杀”“两树分尸”“幻影裸杀”...
回复 :改编自法国社会新闻事件,藉著一宗青少年抢劫杀人案件反映当今法国年轻人深受美国大众文化的影响而盲目崇美,以至迷失了正当的生存意义,主角是三名年约二十的男女,娜塔丽与艾瑞克是一对恋人,他们梦想凑足一千万法朗前往美国开服装店做老板,于是纵恿一起居住的朋友布鲁诺一同行劫。方法是由娜塔丽当鱼饵勾引有钱的单身男人,再设法让两个男的入屋抢劫,不料行动时失控而杀了人 .....导演贝尔特朗德.塔维尼埃以鲜明的现代色彩和反叛精神来刻划失根青年虚无的生活态度,堪称上乘的社会写实作品,曾获柏林电影节最佳影片金熊奖。
回复 :Adamant 是一个独特的日托中心:它是一个浮动结构。它位于巴黎市中心的塞纳河畔,欢迎患有精神障碍的成年人,为他们提供时空落脚的关怀,帮助他们恢复或保持精神状态。运行它的团队是那些试图尽其所能抵制精神病学恶化和非人化的团队之一。这部电影邀请我们登上它,与每天创造它生命的患者和护理人员会面。
回复 :When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls lurks a freakishly deformed maniac, driven to madness by the tragic loss of his fiancée in a car accident. With an array of grisly surgical tools at his disposal, it’s only a matter of time before the youngsters begin meeting various splattery ends at the hands of the ghoulish Coroner.Helmed by director Richard Friedman (Scared Stiff and Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge), and also starring Penthouse Pet of the Year 1988 Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker), Doom Asylum combines outlandish gore and a wise-cracking villain to create one of the most wildly entertainingly blood-spattered slashers of the late ’80s.