回复 :惊悚悬疑影集《意外真相》讲述一名男子在爱妻惨遭杀害之后,踏上黑暗的旅程,不计一切代价,要查出她横死的真相。《意外真相》将在今年夏天强袭 Netflix。
回复 :汤姆续约两年,出现大反派ZOD,克拉克被疑似会导致世界毁灭?面对CHLOE的质问,克拉克面对人性的抉择。Arther last seasons doomsday season finale jimmy Olson and Davis bloom both departed from the show. Smallville had disappointed most people with a 10 second fight with doomsday and Clark. If you don't know Smallville has moved to Fridays. let's hope it's moved back to Thursdays or this show will have rating problems.the seaso...
回复 :Juliana发现了纳粹攫取终极霸权的计划。她能说服别人一起阻止这个计划吗?还是一切都已经晚了?最近声名大噪的John Smith发现对他家人的危险依旧存在。同时,德意志帝国对日本太平洋合众国采取报复性措施,紧张局势不断升级,商务部长Tagomi努力想让两国和平调解。忧心忡忡的首席检察长Kido则在搜寻他的宿敌。