奇缘A lone crimefighter battles the forces of evil with the help of an indestructible and artificially intelligent supercar.
奇缘A lone crimefighter battles the forces of evil with the help of an indestructible and artificially intelligent supercar.
回复 :韩世主(刘亚仁 饰)是一名曾经红极一时的作家,可是,在最初的辉煌过后,他陷入了事业的低谷之中。不仅如此,韩世主的身边还发生了种种令他百思不得其解的奇怪事件,这些事件和他的事业滑铁卢有着千丝万缕的关联。让韩世主没有想到的是,一本署有自己名字的书出版上市,获得了火热的反响 ,然而他作为名义上的作者,却对这本书一无所知。经过缜密的调查,一位名叫刘真吾(高庚杓 饰)的影子写手浮出了水面,更令人震惊的是,刘真吾竟然是一个幽灵。原来,一切都要从韩世主所拥有的古董打字机说起,这台拥有着神秘过去的打字机,亦将韩世主的粉丝田雪(林秀晶 饰)卷入了一场跨越了一个世纪的旷世奇缘之中。
回复 :Documentary series going beyond the theatre doors of Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, where surgeons push medical boundaries to the limits.Every Second CountsSurgeons have just minutes to perform life-saving emergency trauma operations.Getting BetterA surgeon removes a woman’s oesophagus and uses her own stomach to replace it.A New Beginning?At Birmingham Children’s Hospital, two children undergo life-changing surgical procedures.A Risk Worth Taking?Surgeons carry out Queen Elizabeth Hospital's largest ever removal of excess tissue.Pushing The BoundariesA facial surgeon ventures into uncharted territory to operate on a patient’s rare disease.One False MoveThe series returns with brain surgery on a patient who is awake and a risky aorta repair.
回复 :杨过(陈晓 饰)是杨康之子,于偶然之中被郭靖(郑国霖 饰)和黄蓉(杨明娜 饰)夫妇收留,然而杨过虽有极高的武学天赋却生性顽劣四处招惹是非闯下大祸,郭靖夫妇无奈之下将他送往全真教,希望师傅能够好好调教。无法忍受苛刻森严的教规和苦不堪言的日子,杨过决定逃跑,却在误打误撞之中闯入了禁地古墓之中,在那里邂逅了恍若天人的小龙女(陈妍希 饰),就这样,杨过成为了小龙女的徒弟,修习古墓派武功,随着时间的推移,杨过和小龙女之间渐渐产生了超越于师徒之上的感情。李莫愁(张馨予 饰)的闯入使杨过和小龙女被卷入了剪不断理还乱的江湖纷争之中,他们所要面对的,不仅是明争暗斗腥风血雨,还有漫长的十六年的别离。