回复 :After his son witnesses a brutal murder by a notorious crime boss, a deaf Indonesian gangster is thrust into the fight of his life when he takes on his dangerous former allies, including a sociopath assassin, in order to protect his child.
回复 :A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
回复 : 苏州商人杜老爷到异乡营商郄遇上劫匪, 财物被抢, 沦落他乡, 正值有一怪人相救, 赠予一个箱子给他, 并告之今世永远不能打开, 怪人助杜衣锦还乡, 并要杜日后还他一件宝贝, 作为报答. 十八年后, 杜之女儿赛珍好奇之下打开箱子, 忽有骷髅头飞出, 告之杜老爷要他女儿作为报答, 杜不肯, 从此, 这鬼怪附在赛珍身上, 每当月圆之时, 就四出吸取精华......