回复 :2017年卢米埃尔学院奖最佳纪录片提名
回复 :有“地狱老爹”之称的黑道皇帝lee在即将被执行枪决的头一天,成功在狱中组织暴动,囚犯和狱警激烈交火之后,死伤遍地。Lee坐收渔翁之利,安然无恙逃出生天。就在lee脱逃的同一天,一名神秘的重伤男子被海水冲到了岸边。实习医生艾琳精心照顾了他两个月,他还是昏迷不醒。无聊的艾琳读小说《白鲸记》,突发奇想在这名男子的姓名栏上填上了“伊什梅尔”。伊什梅尔苏醒之后,忘记了自己的一切经历,和艾琳朝夕相处渐生情愫。伊什梅尔虽然忘记了一切,可他与lee之间却有着千丝万缕的利害关系。当Lee得知伊什梅尔还活着的消息时,马上派出了数路人马追杀伊什梅尔,残忍的屠杀了大量无辜之后绑架了艾琳。被逼到绝境的伊什梅尔只有赤膊上阵,绝地反击,一场你死我活的爆头大战火爆开打。
回复 :Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is nearing extinction. THE DYING OF THE LIGHT explores at the history and craft of motion picture presentation through the lives and stories of the last generation of career projectionists. By turns humorous and melancholic, their candid reflections on life in the booth reveal a world that has largely gone unnoticed and is now at an end. The result is a loving tribute to the art and romance of the movies-and to the unseen people who brought the light to our screens.