A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity
A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity
回复 :加里夫妇的独生子丹尼尔遭遇车祸,被肇事者沉车灭迹。丹尼尔失踪之后有证据指向他是因为贪污公款潜逃。悲痛中的父母突然想起事故同一天,加里曾带回一位汽车抛锚的女车主,当日诸多细节显示她和真正的车主在隐瞒着什么......而他们编织的谎言滴水不漏,寻求答案阻碍重重。为了最后的真相,加里夫妇通过易容瞒天过海,展开一场精心策划的较量……。本片改编自西班牙经典电影《看不见的客人》,被豆瓣评为年度冷门高分电影。
回复 :Ed Hutcheson, tough editor of the New York 'Day', finds that the late owner's heirs are selling the crusading paper to a strictly commercial rival. At first he sees impending unemployment as an opportunity to win back his estranged wife Nora. But when a reporter, pursuing a lead on racketeer Rienzi, is badly beaten, Hutcheson is stung into a full fledged crusade against the gangster, hoping Rienzi can be tied to a woman's murder...in the 3 issues before the end of 'The Day.'
回复 :2012年的一个夜晚,自幼在某孤儿院长大的敦也(山田凉介 饰)、翔太(村上虹郎 饰)和幸平(宽一郎 饰)对某女企业家实施了抢劫,由于汽车意外抛锚,他们仓皇逃到了一家早已关张的杂货店内躲藏。这家名为浪矢杂货店的铺子此前由风趣和善的老人浪矢雄治(西田敏行 饰)经营,数十年前他出于玩笑帮小朋友们解答各种困扰,后来名气越来越大,以至于有人专程向他咨询人生中的难题。本来从1980年就该沉寂的店铺,却在三人闯进来后收到了烦恼咨询信。随后敦也等人发现,这些信件竟然来自遥远的过去。神秘的夜晚,迷途青年执笔为他人排忧解难,他们的命运和这家解忧杂货店紧紧联系在了一起……本片根据日本人气推理作家东野圭吾的同名原作改编。