回复 :改编自英国小说家马丁艾米斯(Martin Amis)1989年作品《伦敦战场》。安柏赫德主演。以英国伦敦为背景,讲述一个具有预知未来能力的美女,她与3个不同的男人周旋,然而她已预知,其中一个人将会谋杀她……
回复 :In fabulous travels in time, back to the time of the samurai, young Hana, unhappy and tormented in the present days, can finally finding her place in the world. One day, she dreams of another young girl who lived in the past. Unexpectedly, the following day, she is taken by mysterious government agents. Who are convinced that her dreams may save the world. With a surprising colour treatment, a clear narrative takes us to the past or the future through the fine acting of the young Aoi It.源自:https://fantasporto.com/en/from-the-end-of-the-world/
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