回复 :Satoshi Minagawa (Kanji Tsuda), an office worker, he seems like a serious person but in real life, he is a mania for porn movie collecting. Nao Aiba (Rubi Aiba), high school student, she wanders the town with her friend Mami rather than go to school. Sayuri Maejima (Shion Machida), unemployed, very beautiful but unorganized person. Her brother Kou gets teased from his classmates all the time, but he grows magic mushroom in his room and sell them to strangers. One day these four people who don’t have any common interests tangle up in complicated group sex party.
回复 :这部无畏的爱情故事记述了音乐传奇人物伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)和费利西亚·蒙泰莱格雷·科恩·伯恩斯坦(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)持续一生的复杂感情。
回复 :广东武术界名人黄麒英自儿子黄飞鸿(成龙)小时候起就严格训练其习武,可惜黄飞鸿少年时代年轻气盛,经常用三脚猫功夫在外惹事生非,武学上一直无大的长进。直到某次较量中被人打得落花流水且受到侮辱,黄飞鸿才发誓要拜苏乞儿(袁小田)为师好好习武。由于苏乞儿懒于收徒,加上对黄飞鸿的人品很不信任,他开出了种种苛刻条件。为表决心,黄飞鸿一一应允并努力将它们全都实现,终以真心将苏乞儿打动,令其将醉拳传授给了他,黄飞鸿渐从一名莽撞的少年成长为一个见义勇为的年轻人。