女巫Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it's like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get "Switched."
女巫Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it's like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get "Switched."
回复 :反黑组警长肥沙(林雪 饰),不慎丢失手枪。这件事非同小可,如果手枪被匪徒用去行凶,肥沙将大祸临头。PTU(警察机动部队)警官何文展(任达华 饰)出于义气,答应一定会在天亮之前寻回手枪,带几名手下开展了寻枪行动。另一方面,却在横生枝节:警员Kat(邵美琪 饰)死守纪律,坚持要将此事汇报上级处理;而在同一晚,CID的Madam张(黄卓玲 饰)在接手一单黑社会谋杀案时,怀疑肥沙与黑社会有染,由此与PTU发生意见分歧。人与人,部门与部门之间的矛盾、争斗和角力,在夜幕中徐徐拉开。而第二天清早,揭晓的真相,原来都在他们的意料之外……
回复 :Hauntingly BeautifulThis film is stunning in its beauty. The music is transcendent. For the longest time I tried to get the soundtrack. To save you the trouble, be aware that they never made one! There is one scene in which a woman blows on a shell that was so powerful I still remember 30 years later. Mesmerizing. If you have not seen it yet, rent it today.
回复 :本片是导演扬•特洛尔1971年的名作《大移民》的续篇,两部电影均改编自Vilhelm Moberg的The Emigrants系列小说。本片取材此系列的后两部小说,The Settlers 和The Last Letter Home,讲述一批瑞典移民在19世纪中期的明尼苏达州建造家园的故事