群雄纷乱的秦朝,少林秦始皇一统天下之后,少林秦朝即将面临被赵高篡权的局势。一时间英雄豪杰四起,共同守护可以稳定天下的定秦剑,以免落入贼人之手。战戟虽已沾满鲜血,姬廉(牟凤彬 饰)却丝毫没有退却,誓要坚守到生命的最后一刻,只为守护心中这片山河。
群雄纷乱的秦朝,少林秦始皇一统天下之后,少林秦朝即将面临被赵高篡权的局势。一时间英雄豪杰四起,共同守护可以稳定天下的定秦剑,以免落入贼人之手。战戟虽已沾满鲜血,姬廉(牟凤彬 饰)却丝毫没有退却,誓要坚守到生命的最后一刻,只为守护心中这片山河。
回复 :1812年,拿破仑率领大军入侵俄国。在博罗季诺战役即将打响的前夕,法方秘密特工获知了俄国的作战计划,在向拿破仑报告时,被偷偷潜入官邸的俄国贵族青年塔鲁夫获悉。塔鲁夫听闻之后大惊,决定立刻去向俄军汇报,在撤离时遇到美丽的波兰信使贝娅塔,塔鲁夫究竟能否顺利把消息送达,俄军能否扭转战局,战争之后塔鲁夫又会经历什么不可思议的奇遇……,对于战争题材是俄罗斯人有自己理解和表达方式,这部1812无论是宏大的古典式对攻场面,目不暇接的近距离格斗,还有出乎意料的飞艇都让人再度领略俄罗斯电影的风采。
回复 :BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of São Miguel in the Açores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind? Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep?
回复 :本片为程刚在1981年编导之赌片. 宗华与李修贤饰赌术精湛的流氓千王,李在澳门赌场被陈萍饰的千后击倒后,遂回港与宗密谋一雪其耻, 出千骗财, 开设豪华赌场, 欲将陈诱得入局...