回复 :《此画怎讲》是由腾讯视频出品的国内首部名画真人番,选材于14幅中国美术史上巅峰地位的知名人物画,以“古画活起来”的形式,用画中人物的口吻,为观众普及名画鉴赏知识,降低艺术普及的门槛,弘扬传统文化精华
回复 :法医带领9名法医新人,历经10大真实案件考核,争夺最终OFFER,上季2名出圈实习生将作为“学长学姐”参与节目录制。
回复 :Future Firepower is a brand new series taking a look at new weapons being developed from high tech remote controlled weapons and devastating rapid firing machine guns, to next generation rocket launchers. Future Firepower gives an insight into each weapon and what catastrophic destruction it can cause through demonstrations with members of the military.Episodes include…Rogue State(流氓国家)Super Powers(超级大国)Asymmetric War(不对称战)