本片根据瑞德哈葛德(H.Rider Haggard)的小说改编,亚洲区为1985年动作冒险片《老天发威》(King Solomon's Mines)的续集,亚洲区由莎朗史东与理查张伯伦携手合作。莎朗史东在片中所饰演的考古学家跟随男友理查张伯伦前往非洲西部,找寻他失踪的兄弟--就在一位濒死的神秘人交给他一块金子之后…
本片根据瑞德哈葛德(H.Rider Haggard)的小说改编,亚洲区为1985年动作冒险片《老天发威》(King Solomon's Mines)的续集,亚洲区由莎朗史东与理查张伯伦携手合作。莎朗史东在片中所饰演的考古学家跟随男友理查张伯伦前往非洲西部,找寻他失踪的兄弟--就在一位濒死的神秘人交给他一块金子之后…
回复 :一个外星人家庭在不幸意外地被美国探测太空船携回地球,他们在一阵混乱中冲出太空总署逃向沙漠,但小外星人麦克与家人失散,溜上了不良于行的艾瑞克家人的旅行车而跟著车到了内华达州。麦克在一次意外事件中救了艾瑞克之后,与艾瑞克兄弟和邻居女童黛比等人结为好友,并要求他们协助搜救在沙漠中垂死的家人。艾瑞克一行人终于在麦克的指引下找到他的家人并带他们回家,却不意在超级市场中造成骚动,警方及尾随而来的科学家们企图抓住他们而引发了冲击…
回复 :This would definitely not have been my kind of movie, but my husband saw it on TV and said it was really good. So, on his recommendation, I bought a copy, since I didn't know if it would ever be on TV again. I had never heard of anybody in it except Armand Assante. At first I had a hard time getting into the story, because the first part of the movie is a jumble of images-- and it doesn't make much sense. It is only later in the movie that it all comes together. The scene-cutting- if that's what it's called, is a bit jarring-- it sometimes looks as if a few frames have been cut out of each scene, and the scenes are jerky--but I guess that was done to add to the unusualness (if that's a word). The story veers here and there, and just about the time you have it all figured out, everything turns upside down and you have to readjust your thinking as to who is the bad guy and who is not. Or bad woman. The acting is very good-- I kept thinking how much Norman Reedus looks like Leo Decaprio. The ending was a real twist, totally unexpected, which I liked. A good show.
回复 :为了完成女儿高三前的小小心愿,父亲李博宇决心带着李妍远赴阿勒泰滑雪。突如其来的意外带走了李博宇的意识,也让为妻为母的潘雁秋做出了一个女人最艰难的决定。当家渐渐失温,一只名为可乐的小狗带着倔强闯入了她们的生活,成为母女争执的焦点,也成为苦乐烟火的陪伴。如何在伤痛后放下悔与执?如何在成长中习得爱与勇?当往日的困境重现,她们的人生,又是否有无憾的选择?