回复 :勤亲王(刘家辉 饰)微服南下来到广东,在机缘巧合之下遇见了劫富济贫的侠盗义士何真(汪禹 饰),此时何真刚刚盗得了一批来自官府的珠宝,意气风发,于是和勤亲王之间展开了一场财富上的较量。当地官府包围了两人所在的醉仙坊,要调查珠宝的下落,勤亲王甚至何真的本性并不坏,甚至充满了难得的正义感,只是缺乏调教,于是出面替何真解决了这个大麻烦,并且顺理成章的带走了珠宝。何真不甘心就这样眼睁睁的看着自己的囊中之物被他人夺走,于是再次来到了醉仙坊,勤亲王派出了青楼女子翠红(惠英红 饰)同何真周旋,将后者耍的团团转。
回复 :伊朗导演苏赫拉布·沙希德·萨利斯于德国拍摄的电影中,《乌托邦》是最出名的一部,被认为是他的杰作。电影讲述了柏林一家高级妓院中皮条客和他手下五个性工作者之间的故事。皮条客经常使用肢体暴力,盘剥女人的工作并操控她们彼此仇视,而女人们则抱着对未来的期许,却永远逃不开妓院的四围。
回复 :Gwen Cummings is a successful New York writer living life in the fast lane and everyone's favorite party girl. She shares this roller-coaster lifestyle of hopping from dance club to bar to hangover with boyfriend Jasper-handsome, magnetic and equally attracted to life on the wild side. Life is just an exercise in debauchery-until Gwen's ungraceful display at her sister Lily's wedding, when she gets drunk, commandeers the limo and earns herself a DUI and 28 days in court-ordered rehab. There, Gwen comes face to face with a unique set of rules (like no cell phones) and rituals (like chanting) embraced by an assortment of fascinating fellow re-habbers: Eddie, Gerhardt, Oliver, Andrea, Roshanda, and Billie Jean. A jaded city girl to the core, Gwen is determined not to conform. Then she meets Counselor Cornell, who begins to break through her carefully constructed defenses and force her to take a closer look at who she really is. Ultimately, through the companionship of! her group as well as a devastating loss, Gwen gradually loses her cynicism and begins the long struggle to take back her life. Maybe, she discovers, your insides can match your outsides.