日韩Historian Andrew Roberts travels the world re-tracing the footsteps of Napoleon in the build up to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.
日韩Historian Andrew Roberts travels the world re-tracing the footsteps of Napoleon in the build up to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.
回复 :在乡下长大的女高中生凉海日和,喜欢跑步。擅长的项目是跨栏赛跑。为了进入有田径部的学校,离开了家乡,进入东京的樱丘高中。偶然间发现了超高人气的校园偶像组合“LIP×LIP”染谷勇次郎和柴崎爱藏竟然是自己的同班同学,并目击到了两人和在荧幕上所播放的形象完全不同的表现,并且正在以不满的表情互相瞪着对方。我对偶像没兴趣,也不想和这么可怕的人扯上关系。明明是这样想的…“为什么我要当这两个人的见习经纪人!?”去东京的目的是田径部的社团活动并且与新认识的朋友服部树里和中村千鹤一起愉快的校园生活,并且成为了完全不了解的偶像界的见习经纪人并为此忙碌得不可开交。在舞台上闪耀的校园偶像与努力并且非常有斗志的田径系女主角––新的青春就此开始。
回复 :A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots.
回复 :坐落在这个世界的某个角落的超大型综合动物园「加帕里公园」,依靠着那里的神秘物质「砂之星」的力量,动物一个个都变成了人类的模样。变身成为「兽娘」,来访的人们把她们称为「朋友(friends)」。在热闹中享受着梦幻般的时光。在加帕里公园顺利开业之前,其实有一场巨大危机。这是讲述跨越危机的朋友们和「园长」的冒险故事。担任公园向导的未来小姐和曾经参与冒险的薮猫一行,将这个故事记录了下来。救公园于危机之中的众多朋友们和「园长」出镜的乱哄哄的视频记录,你也来看看吧?