回复 :“百事通达”的幕后大老板江拂月受自己的老朋友皇商花老爷所托,需将在外闯荡创业的花笙棠带回花家继承家产。云城菜场初遇,江拂月从失控马匹中顺利救下花家小姐后,花笙棠便对其一见钟情,江拂月也顺理成章进入花笙棠开的花典乾酒楼。不料酒楼竟有内鬼,还未实行便被贼人抢先一步,江拂月也渐渐爱上了性格欢脱但又有韧性花生棠,然而拥有双重人格的江拂月在热情的小月月和冰冷的大boss之间不断来回切换让两人陷入了“爱情僵局”.......
回复 :"Dr. Cyclops" is known as one of the better "early sci-fi" films, made in '39 and released in 1940. (It is also in color.) But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is a very confused film.The plot is simple - crazy mad scientist on some remote island can shrink animals, and wants to try it on humans. He manages this on a scientific team that came to check things out. They get angry, and the crazy scientist eventually gets really angry because his new shrunken subjects won't cooperate.The thing is, the film doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a thriller, or a goofy movie. Dr. Cyclops (never called that but referenced to a Cyclops after one lens in his glasses breaks) looks cool in his "30's style sci-fi helmet" as he performs experiments and can be chilling at times. But there is so much "Disney-style goofy music" going on that it is hard to take anything seriously. The music belongs in a family comedy for the most part, and is played when the shrunken people do things like try to survive, and creep around the floor. Add that a few of them have pretty gruesome deaths and that just adds to the confusing atmosphere.The FX aren't so bad but nothing special. The giant sets built are pretty impressive though. There is a scene where little fires are tossed at a real crocodile's head which probably made animal activists angry.It also takes a long time for anything to really happen. This movie could have been done in a nice tight half-hour. Good for a viewing, but you probably won't watch again. The performance of the guy who plays Dr. Cyclops is definitely the main attraction.
回复 :莉琪(希拉里·达芙 Hilary Duff饰)的欧洲之行真是充满“离奇”!本来她是一名在学校屡屡出丑的女生,和同伴来到意大利旅行之后,神奇的经历就纷至沓来。都怪莉琪长得太像意大利的歌星伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白的情歌对唱搭档保罗,把这个小女生当成了乐坛红人。在保罗的安排下,莉琪作为“伊丽莎白”的星途迅速铺开,她亦以自己的魅力征服万千歌迷,然而,上帝真的如此眷恋莉琪吗?少不更事的莉琪,没想到自己已经陷进了一场阴谋当中。幸好,莉琪还有一帮守望相助的朋友,他们在合力保护着莉琪不受伤害,莉琪在美妙的梦境中醒来时,会发现最真实最宝贵的,是身边可爱的友人。