回复 :两个美女警官奉命调查一个盗窃信用卡的犯罪团伙,她们伪装成小偷,卖信用卡给这些人,进而查到这个犯罪团伙的老巢在泰国。于是,她们前往泰国。在那里,她们与犯罪分子将会发生什么样的故事呢?
回复 :阿忠一觉醒来,发现自己死了。他看着太太和子女处理他的身后事,一家人围着尸体一边吃早餐、一边七嘴八舌,阿忠也在旁边喋喋不休,但不论生前或是死后,他讲的话都没人听!他只能委托一个人,完成他最后心愿。
回复 :Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite character hard, determined, perhaps criminal. The forced cohabitation of two human beings who couldn't seem more different from one another turns into an initiation rite to adulthood, the discovery of their true and respective personalities. And when the harsh reality that is mercilessly stalking them appears to present the bill, they will have to face it, bolstered by a new awareness and unhoped-for courage.