回复 :男主为了追求女主,总是不断向女主提出各种挑战。可是,每次挑战的结果男主都惨败……
回复 :由21 个闹剧穿插一部科幻短片组成的闹剧,导演罗伯特(《怪异的阿尔 杨克维奇》)、约翰(《动物屋》)等等都是环球影片公司的一线导演,他们的共同特点就是在搞怪搞笑方面各有绝招。这些短片大都是对美国夜间电视节目和低成本科幻片的戏仿,故事包括一个男子受到他所住的房子攻击、一场由喜剧演员主持的葬礼和被吸进电视机里的人等等。眼花缭乱 满嘴放炮
回复 :A 25-30-year old Hacienda-owner (David Hemmings) is misbehaving on women due to his traumatic youth; his mother (Alida Valli) covers him for his sadistic actions; however, when he wants the daughter of the mansion supervisor to serve for him, things seem to get totally out of hand. He 'tames' her, but when 'tamed' and finally married, the young woman (Andrea Rau) soon becomes the dominating person in the family.