幽灵Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama.
幽灵Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama.
回复 :来自英国的麦特(Gyton Grantley 饰)带着女友苏西(Adrienne Pickering 饰)以及居住在悉尼的妹妹凯特(Zoe Naylor 饰)来到澳大利亚某个港口小镇游玩,麦特的朋友卢克(Damian Walshe-Howling 饰)热情接待了他们。而在面对前女友凯特时,他的心中涌起别样的涟漪。阳光明媚,碧海蓝天,莫要辜负这个天堂一般的胜地和假期,他们租用水手沃伦(Kieran Darcy-Smith 饰)的游艇,启程前往天鹅大堡礁附近潜水玩耍。夜幕降临,游艇突然撞到了什么东西,伙伴们顿时陷入恐慌之中。五个人好不容易逃出生天,但船底破了打洞,他们被困在大海中央。本就处在孤立无援的危险境地,恐怖的食人鲨又悄悄向这几名遇难者逼近……
回复 :一次警方行动导致他与爱人分离,多年后,这个愤怒的年轻男子大开杀戒,而一名跟他一样满腹仇恨的警察对他穷追不舍。
回复 :Olivia, A New York-based journalist travels to Turkey when she receives news that her sister Marla is pregnant. Marla recently ended a relationship but decides to keep the baby and that's when sinister things begin to occur.