回复 :To Elena, existence is an effort—not only does she struggle against her body affected by Parkinson’s, but her daughter has just shown up dead and only she finds the suicide hypothesis implausible. Elena is not a good victim, and doesn’t show signs of having been a selfless mother. She is vulnerable, but also overcome by rage and sorrow, and that stubbornness seems to render her invincible, against all odds. But investigating the reasons for her daughter’s death soon becomes a trip through memory, and, as we’ve known since the time of Greek tragedies, every investigation is, deep down, an investigation about oneself. Elena Knows submerges us in the physical and mental experience of its protagonist and, at the same time, invites us to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions about aging, the complexity of mother-daughter bonds and the weight of those mandates women drag the same way Elena drags her feet.
回复 :37岁的亚力事业有成,长相英俊,最近却刚被女友给甩了。失意的亚力开车上班途中,竟不小心撞到了正要赶去上学的妮奇,还将她的机车给撞烂了。17岁的妮奇刁蛮难缠,她不但坚持要亚力送她上学,还不忘跟亚力要了电话。之后妮奇没事就打电话让亚力带她去兜风,让她班上同学都看傻了眼。大家纷纷揣测:妮奇对成熟男人的兴趣,似乎还高过学校的男生。正当大家怀疑她是否只是一阵新鲜感时,妮奇却突然决定要带亚力回家,介绍给她的爸妈……
回复 :本剧讲述了两年前搬到月牙镇的天涯酒坊老板娘秋娘,为了挽留住丈夫而不惜杀人的悲惨故事。秋娘是个聪慧而有魅力的女人,然而由于秋娘无法怀有身孕,她担心丈夫方友德总有一天会回到前妻柳芙蓉身边。为了保住这个来之不易的家,秋娘无所不用其极,甚至不惜为此杀人。可是,命运的安排令千里寻夫的芙蓉来到酒坊。秋娘发现丈夫依然深爱着前妻,于是陷入疯狂之中。她囚禁了友德和芙蓉,逼迫丈夫做出最后的选择。而当秋娘看到丈夫和前妻为了拯救彼此,竟然不惜牺牲性命之时,秋娘终于幡然醒悟,最终自杀洗刷自己的罪恶。