《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,天国缩写SNL,天国又称周末夜现场)是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目,由洛恩·迈克尔斯创立,为迪克·埃伯索尔所继承发展。 [1] 节目以纽约市为拍摄地,于1975年10月11日起在全国广播公司(NBC)首播,截至第45季完结日已播出891集,是美国电视史上最长寿的节目之一。
《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,天国缩写SNL,天国又称周末夜现场)是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目,由洛恩·迈克尔斯创立,为迪克·埃伯索尔所继承发展。 [1] 节目以纽约市为拍摄地,于1975年10月11日起在全国广播公司(NBC)首播,截至第45季完结日已播出891集,是美国电视史上最长寿的节目之一。
回复 :《干支魂》是以十二生肖以及猫化的美少女们为故事主轴,描述拥有动物姿态、被干支神选上的使者“干支娘”们,将会透过每60年一次的干支神选拔赛“ETM 12”选出守护日本的神圣代表。而今年的她们为了成为干支神而聚集在秋叶原。在这之中,有位叫做“小喵”的猫型干支娘,因为跟老鼠的孽缘因而碰到连串悲惨际遇的她, 究竟最后是否能如愿成为干支神呢?小喵与干支神们的日常战斗生活就此展开!
回复 :Reality tv show on the History channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive. Kevin's logging a remote timber claim high up the steep, rugged slopes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the majestic heart of Vancouver Island. It's home to some of the best wood in the world and Kevin's making a big bet to get it. The claim has a thousand truckloads waiting for him and his first goal is to get 200 truckloads off the mountain before winter shuts him down, but the mountain won't give up without a fight. That's only his first obstacle though, as he finds out close to winter that he has to clear his whole claim, all one thousand loads, as soon as he can get back up there in the spring. He'll be stuck with millions of dollars in penalties if he can't do it. With his wife Sarah, his son Erik, and his right-hand man Coleman by his side, Kevin will do whatever it takes to get that big timber!
回复 :居住在六叶镇的双胞胎兄妹,王道游飞和王道游步,是经营着稍微有些可疑的宇宙人驱逐公司UTS(宇宙人纠纷咨询所)的小学生。用游飞制作的神秘装置寻找外星人,每天都过着徒劳而辛苦的生活。....没错,直到那天!!使用最新制作的神秘回收机,二人终于寻找到了真正的宇宙飞船,并在那艘宇宙飞船上邂逅了来自遥远彼方ベルギャー星団的外星人,ユウディアス!现在,自遥远银河尽头而来的宇宙战士,将在名为“超速决斗”的新战场奔驰战斗!要上了!GoRush!