回复 :一个炎热的下午,一名男子仅穿着一件泳裤出现在一个森林中,然后他快步来到游泳池,一个猛子扎进去,尽情的游泳。这个人叫做奈德,游泳池的主人及邻居们都和他很熟。面对蔚蓝色的游泳池,奈德突发奇想——通过每个家庭紧挨着的游泳池“游泳回家”,中间的路程靠徒步完成。在途中,他遇到各式各样的熟人,有的热情,有的嘲弄他,有些人对他反感……当他游到自家门口时才发现,他的家只是个破破烂烂的空房子。
回复 :丁安安(白允然)與雍晴(林姍姍)兩個表姐妹自小就讀於同一所女校,因二人的母親(韓瑪利、蘇杏璇)一向口和心不和,從小就向自己女兒灌輸好勝思想,因此形成安安與晴從小鬥到大,三日一小吵,五日一大鬥。她們在校中認識了男同學米高(張衛健)及保羅(陳俊國),很快成為情侶,兩對小冤家後來因鬥氣竟然互調了男朋友……本人八卦:本片是张卫健的荧屏处女作,而他的荧屏初吻自然也献给林姗姗。林姗姗在当时小有名气,和陈百强的合唱曲目也是本片的插曲《再见Puppy Love 》是她的代表作品,同时她还有主持和电影差不多同名的节目《三个小神仙》。据说她还是发现郑伊健的经理人……
回复 :Two women spend a weekend together at the North Sea. Walks on the beach, fish buns at a snack stand, mobile weather forecasts. Sky, horizon, water. One of them will soon return to her family in Argentina while the other one will try to come a step closer to the ocean. She travels to the Caribbean and the foreign makes her vulnerable. Then, the land is out of sight. On a sailing vessel she crosses the Atlantic Ocean. One wave follows the other, they never resemble. Thoughts go astray, time leaves the beaten track and the swell lulls to deep sleep. The sea takes over the narration. And when the other one reappears in it, the wind is still in her hair while the ground beneath her feet is solid. She returns and the one of them could ask Have you changed