回复 :Sex cowboys is a travel inside our generation, the lost generation, destined to live without a permanent employment, a fixed home and a defined lifestyle. The characters of this travel are nomadic, precarious e immature in the comedy of their life: to Simone's anger and to Marla's magic need, alternates passion and sex. The generational crisis is inside us, and we have to find a way to survive and make the present our dream, since in our future we won't have space.
回复 :宫廷宴会上一个离奇死亡的宫女和多个不断被发现的死因不明肚子高高隆起的宫女尸体引发悬念。皇家丑闻不断爆发,皇帝大怒。随着案件的深入调查,引发了一系列惊心动魄、出人意料又环环相扣的故事。容妃,静妃与皇后这三个深宫女人之间究竟有着怎样的矛盾纠葛。最终真相将浮出水面,观众也将跟随剧中角色一步步揭开伪善的贤淑,直面皇宫背后不为人知的深宫秘事。
回复 :A raw look at the effects of childhood trauma through the eyes of two estranged cousins.