回复 :公元前52年,罗马共和国建立400年后,罗马已经成为世界上最富有的城市,是拥有100万人口的世界性大都市,也是雏形中的帝国的中心。罗马共和国是建立在分享权利和激烈的个人竞争的基础上的,从来不允许搞个人独裁。但这些共和国的原则基石正在腐败的弥漫和道德的沦丧下逐渐崩溃。统治阶级穷奢极欲、挥霍无度,传统的斯巴达人的戒律和团结已经荡然无存。
回复 :清朝末年,江南小镇。容家大太太(归亚蕾 饰)知道自己丈夫在城里与一个叫嫣红的交际花同居,而且老爷似乎没有回家的打算。这一切都是因为大太太多年无所出。为了让老爷回家,她看上了佃农的女儿秀禾(周迅 饰),因秀禾有着一张和自己年轻时一模一样的脸,决定用她来挽回老爷的欢心,同时令容家有后。然而接下来的事情谁都始料不及。容家小叔(黄磊 饰)与秀禾相爱,而且有了交欢的事实。当秀禾有喜的时候全家都喜乐无比,直到更惊人的真相出现——原来老爷是没有生育能力的,此时秀禾的怀孕成了最大的讽刺。
回复 :EPISODES1. Everything Is Bonzer!Air date: Sep 27, 2018Michael intervenes in the near-death accidents of Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason on Earth, in hopes that a second chance at life allows them to become better versions of themselves. The Season 3 premiere.View Details2. Everything Is Bonzer! - Part 2Air date: Sep 27, 2018Chidi and Simone go on a date, and he kisses her after Eleanor protests his indecision.View Details3. The Brainy BunchAir date: Oct 4, 2018Michael's grand scheme hits an unexpected snag and forces him to take drastic measures.View Details4. The SnowplowAir date: Oct 11, 2018A surprising announcement from one of the humans threatens to dissolve the group.View Details5. Jeremy BearimyAir date: Oct 18, 2018The group explores the three main branches of ethical thought.View Details6. The Ballad of Donkey DougAir date: Oct 25, 2018Jason visits with some people from his past while Chidi gets help in resolving a problem.View Details7. A Fractured InheritanceAir date: Nov 1, 2018Eleanor makes a startling discovery that tests her resolve, Tahani looks to make amends and Janet does some bonding.View Details8. The Worst Possible Use of Free WillAir date: Nov 8, 2018Eleanor recalls some forgotten events from her past.View Details9. Don't Let the Good Life Pass You ByAir date: Nov 15, 2018Michael and Janet take an important journey. Eleanor ponders whether she should share a secret.View Details10. The Book of DougsAir date: Jan 10, 2019Michael's resolve is put to the test. Meanwhile, Jason wrestles with his feelings and Chidi surprises Eleanor.View Details11. Chidi Sees the Time-KnifeAir date: Jan 17, 2019Michael arranges an important meeting, and Janet makes a reconnection.View Details12. PandemoniumAir date: Jan 24, 2019Various events occur, in a certain specific order.