最新Documentary exploring the life and work of the novelist, poet, social critic and self-proclaimed 'outsider', who was often persecuted for his explicit subject matter.
最新Documentary exploring the life and work of the novelist, poet, social critic and self-proclaimed 'outsider', who was often persecuted for his explicit subject matter.
回复 :特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron饰)和盖布利拉(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens饰)本是分属两个世界的年轻人。特洛伊从小就作为篮球种子来培养,而盖布利拉则是个高智商的学习优秀学生。新年晚会两人被推上舞台,合唱了一首美妙的歌,彼此的内心都燃起了火花。碰巧的是,两人竟成为了高中同班同学。艺术老师打算挑选合适的人选参演一部音乐剧,特洛伊和盖布利拉凭着优美默契的歌声打动了老师。要获得最终的演出资格,他们还得在第二轮面试中打败对手,然而,事情却起了波折。这边篮球队正为了一场重要的比赛而加紧训练,队员纷纷要求特洛伊专心练球;那边学术比赛即将开始,众人反对队员盖布利拉为音乐剧的事情分心。更糟糕的是,他们的竞争对手从中作梗,把篮球赛、学术比赛和音乐剧面试排在了同一天。鱼与熊掌该怎样取舍,两个年轻人当机立断,妙计横生。
回复 :格林姆斯比》讲述一名英国间谍和一个足球流氓的有趣故事。影片原本由派拉蒙发行,近期版权易主到了索尼哥伦比亚公司手中,片方也在今日宣布影片会在2015年暑期档公映。目前影片的前期筹备工作已经基本就绪,预计在今年夏天开机拍摄。
回复 :Excellent cinematography is displayed in the film-Cohen utilizes various types of film, from super 8 to 16mm. Fugazi, being the greatest medley of musicians to emerge from the DC area, is depicted on screen in an 115 minute documentary. The video includes really neat live footage, as well as some bonus material.