大西A dark comedy about one man's overreaction! Roma's (Anthony Michael Hall) perfect life unravels when his foreman goes missing and he chooses to fire the wrong guy.
大西A dark comedy about one man's overreaction! Roma's (Anthony Michael Hall) perfect life unravels when his foreman goes missing and he chooses to fire the wrong guy.
回复 :首部长片便赢得戛纳影展金摄影奖的澳大利亚导演沃里克桑顿,自编自导的《新男孩》邀来奥斯卡影后凯特·布兰切特重返澳大利亚影坛,饰演1940年代战时澳大利亚的修女,收留睡不惯床铺、不说文明语言,却对万物充满灵性的原住民男孩,直到她发现男孩掌心发光的秘密。绝美荒芜图像结合摇滚诗人尼克凯夫与华伦艾利联手打造的配乐,情绪丰沛且充满感染力,成功将未知与神秘转换成深刻视觉感受。透过画面也仿佛向基督教文明提出质疑,信仰是否只能有一种途径?
回复 :“加贺美京子”是活跃在影视界的双胞胎姐妹花大野红叶(松岛菜菜子 饰)和大野枫(松岛菜菜子 饰)作为编剧所共用的笔名,姐姐红叶内向沉稳,善写对白,妹妹枫外向干练,精于构思,多年来姐妹俩互帮互助,合作无间,最新根据古畑任三郎(田村正和 饰)取材的剧集《鬼警部古驱三四郎》也大受好评。可是红叶疲惫之极,打算和妹妹分道扬镳,撰写自己喜欢的剧本。多年来的积怨,终于促使她向强势的妹妹举起手枪,并与之互换身份,伪装成“红叶”自杀的假想。此前借刑事剧的关系,单身的古畑似乎和枫产生些许的暧昧与好感,而今他却必须面对这一充满悲剧气息的双胞胎谋杀案……本片为新春完结篇第三部。
回复 :Jin scowls into the camera when her sister – the filmmaker – asks about her earliest memories. No wonder: these memories are anything but pleasant. Jin was born in the 1990s, during China’s one-child policy. It was normal then for unborn girls to be aborted – right up to the last month of a pregnancy, because boys were preferred. Living babies were also ruthlessly dumped in the...