回复 :凶残巨鳄嗜血来袭,平静的民国小镇陷入一级恐慌,面对巨鳄的无差别攻击,众人能否成功将其制服?
回复 :东汉末年,诸侯混战。战乱中蔡邕之女蔡文姬被左贤王掳去匈奴,并生有二子。十二年后,曹操平定中原,遣使匈奴,欲接回蔡文姬代父续修汉书。文姬归心似箭,但骨肉亲情,怎能割舍?声声血泪的胡笳十八拍,抒发着无尽的思念。为继父遗志,修撰汉书,文姬踏上漫漫归途……
回复 :A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post, where he saves the manager's wife from an Indian attack, and enlists the help of two outlaws to continue his journey more safely. However, the Indian attacks persist, the outlaws plan to take Billy for themselves, tempt...