该片以“现实play kill”为题材,霸道别惹讲述在哥哥在调查杀人事件的过程中,霸道别惹遭遇“现实 play kill”被犯人打伤而陷入了昏迷。弟弟为了给哥哥报仇,努力学习醉拳,也用同样的“现实play kill”的方式与嫌疑人展开对决 。
该片以“现实play kill”为题材,霸道别惹讲述在哥哥在调查杀人事件的过程中,霸道别惹遭遇“现实 play kill”被犯人打伤而陷入了昏迷。弟弟为了给哥哥报仇,努力学习醉拳,也用同样的“现实play kill”的方式与嫌疑人展开对决 。
回复 :
回复 :The story revolves around a youth Sub-Inspector in a town in Tuticorin. Being a well bonded family in the town, hero's father wants to have his son in his proximity's. He makes hero a police- sub-inspector and make sure that hero gets his posting in his own town. In the smooth pattern of hero with a comedian constable enters the heroine, daughter of a business man in Chennai. She comes to hero's town for her vacation where her grandfather's lives and they fall in love with each other. parallel on the other side, a Chennai court verdicts the villain to be expelled from the territory of Chennai to the police station of hero's for a certain period. The two clash against each other in the reporting period due to unforeseen reasons and the enmity leaps in-controlled. The villain takes every effort to get the hero transferred to his own territory, Chennai and succeeds in transferring. The rest of the story follows...
回复 :本片讲述了一群在魔法学院学习的学生,其中一个学生柯豆豆意外身亡,大家怀疑是哈吉娜所害,但是学长路小布发现有很多疑点,为了帮助同学洗脱罪名,开始调查,期间发现同学江兰心也在练习黑暗魔法,为了治疗昏迷很久的弟弟兰诺,不想结果却是他们的校长是大巫神的奴仆,是他害死了柯豆豆,当这个阴谋被揭穿后,路小布及小学妹倾尽一切加入解救兰诺的计划中,一同跟院长斗智斗法,最终找到了光明魔法惩治了校长,学校得以平静。