同捞同煲Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
同捞同煲Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
回复 :In search of the anonymous faces of the people freed from Nazi camps, who debarked in Malmö, Sweden, on April 28 1945.
回复 :延斯·索林在1985年时谋杀了女友的父母吗?或者是女友自己下的毒手呢?这部纪录片系列将深入这桩谜案的重重疑云。
回复 :大西北粗粝广袤的土地上,仪表堂堂的高加林(周里京 饰)是这片黄土地上极其惹眼而又独树一帜的存在。他是镇上的老师,虽然兢兢业业教了三年书,但大队书记的儿子高中刚毕业就顶了他的位置,让加林愤愤不平。自古民不与官斗,在爹娘苦苦哀求之下,加林打消了告状的念头,心怀抑郁和愤懑的青年无奈回到田里耕作。在此期间,多亏了纯朴而美丽的姑娘刘巧珍(吴玉芳 饰)给了他安慰。爱情的滋润让加林重新找到前进的方向,他打理田间地头,业余时间从事写作。而就在此时,加林却意外得到了一个可以去县里工作的机会。人生和爱情面前,青年不得不做出抉择……本片根据路遥的同名小说改编。