宝英Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.
宝英Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.
回复 :寶力與女友佳家同居懷孕後,兩人離開了校園,開始學習賺錢養家,卻不得不面對重重的現實難關。在餐廳當學徒的寶力、被現實壓垮而出軌外遇的佳家,再加上一個嗷嗷待哺的嬰兒,與將成家積蓄給輸個精光的寶力媽。面對眼前十坪不到的小套房住所和茫茫的未來,這對小伴侶將往何處去?理應是青春無敵年少輕狂的他們,將付出什麼代價來換取兩人的希望?
回复 :1944年,纳粹发起的第二次世界大战接近尾声,为了能体面地结束战争,纳粹集结巴尔干半岛的A军团北调,妄图阻挡苏联红军南下。同时纳粹推出了“劳费尔计划”,即掠夺萨拉热窝丰富的燃油资源供应装甲部队。纳粹为实现劳费尔计划,将党卫军上校芬迪特里士派往萨拉热窝,全力消灭瓦尔特(Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic 饰)领导的当地游击队。芬迪特里士令间谍假冒瓦尔特,在叛徒的内应下,假瓦尔特与几名真正的游击队员组成抵抗委员会,并得到游击队员名单,诱杀了众多抵抗组织成员。真正的瓦尔特由于作战需要无法公开身份,但凭借个人出色的谋略与众多英勇的游击队员终于让间谍现出了原形。为了阻止劳费尔计划,清除了内奸的游击队员们再次出击。
回复 :The Sandy Hook massacre was considered a watershed moment in the national debate on gun control, but the body count at the hands of gun violence has only increased. Through the lens of the victims' families, as well as pro-gun advocates, we examine why our politicians have failed to act. World Premiere