回复 :男孩与男孩相遇、成为朋友并坠入爱河。性情温和的查理和热爱橄榄球的尼克在中学相遇,两人意外成为朋友,很快这场友谊发展成了一段意想不到的爱情。查理、尼克和朋友们踏上紧密相连的自我发现和接纳之旅,众人相互支持着寻找真正的自我。
回复 :三百年了,雪儿你在哪里。他居然是活了三百年的长生者,寻找心爱的女人下落,与之双休习得永生之术,不必受轮回之苦
回复 :The fifth-year residents return for the first day of a year that will make or break their careers: Meredith faces the consequences of tampering with Derek's clinical trial and is terminated at the hospital; April tries to step up to the plate as Chief Resident in the wake of a giant sinkhole in the middle of Seattle; and Cristina and Owen are still at odds over their drastically different feelings for their unborn child.