回复 :A story about a love triangle and the real life of young people. Two brothers, Mai and Mhen, fell in love with the same woman, Pond. Because their family is poor, the two brothers had no choice but to get involved in illegal activities. On Bo's recommendation, they joined a car theft gang. To was the gang leader. Not long after that, Mai lost his father, Sorn, and Mhen learned about Mai and Pond's relationship. This time, Mai caught up in a lot of troubles. This includes To who was after him. Therefore, Mai had to solve all the troubles, be it about his relationship or people around him.
回复 : 上海江山如画影视有限公司出品悬疑网剧《暹罗密码》正式开机,该剧由刘镇伟监制,王凯导演,王洋、曾江、骆达华、谢彬彬、许绍雄等。
回复 :从前有个畅销罪案小说作家,遇到了一位干练美丽的高妹警探,从此便如跟屁虫一般穿着写有“作家”的防弹背心跟随着她。他们一起办过不少奇异的案子,建筑工地的冰冻女尸啦,万圣节被木桩钉死的吸血鬼啦,性虐俱乐部谜团啦,再就是跟“绝望主妇”一起抓连环杀手,跟“英雄”一起反恐神马的。他俩眉来眼去,情深意切,却总是点到为止。第三季结尾,贝克特中枪,大叔那句我爱你会不会说得太迟呢?当然不迟——第四季的结尾他们终于……