回复 :史蒂芬(威廉·鲍德温 William Baldwin 饰)和布莱恩(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)是情同手足的兄弟,他们的父亲是一名消防员,在一场救火行动中不幸牺牲,虽然史蒂芬和布莱恩为他们的父亲感到骄傲,但同时亦对消防员这份职业多了几分埋怨。长大之后 ,史蒂芬继承了父亲的遗志亦成为了一名消防员,受父亲的影响,史蒂芬每次执行任务时都不顾自己的死活,竭尽全力,他的不管不顾让他和妻子之间的关系变得非常的紧张。布莱恩和史蒂芬恰恰相反,因为曾经目睹了父亲的死亡,所以布莱恩对火非常的恐惧。城市里出现了一位恶名昭著的纵火犯,警官唐纳负责调查此案,布莱恩则成为了他得力的助手。
回复 :外号“刀不留人”的何丽君参加桂王府一年一度的擂台比赛,与其他三人同为王府所ddd。陈若愚与唐青云为义侠,发现每次王府擂台过后,总会出现大劫案。二人夜探王府,却身陷王爷的天罗地网。唐身上的宝剑令何与王爷惊讶,何因此决定放走二人。陈气唐对其隐瞒身世,二人纠缠之际,发现何跟踪到此,遂将其击退。何回府,无意中发现王爷正是其追查已久的孙天尘,孙要何与众人血劫曹家庄。陈、唐二人在追查王府的过程中,多次与何相遇。唐、何二人渐生感情。何多次对唐“刀下留情”并对其坦承她所查得的事情真相。陈却不满何之所为,力阻二人发展。
回复 :Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Hana is actually her older sister and asked her to tell the truth. Hyoshin saw two of them talking and killed Hana because of jealous. Hyoshin tried to kill Miyu next and Miyu realized Hyoshin is her sister who had plastic surgery and changed her face. Finally Hana stuck a knife into herself because she knew Miyu always values her sister. Miyu survived, but lost her precious sister.