回复 :公元960年,因宋太祖赵匡胤被弟弟太宗害死,冤魂上天庭,玉帝(曾江 饰)降旨令赤龙婆助辽,因宋气数未尽,又遣诸星挺宋。吕洞宾(周润发 饰)跟汉钟离怄气,违抗天意。国丈潘洪横行霸道,杨家满门忠烈,父子八人战功卓著。杨业寿诞之日,杨六郎(刘德华 饰)偶遇柴郡主(刘嘉玲 饰) ,一见钟情,却引潘家嫉妒。后者借皇妃之口逼婚,幸好八贤王(汤镇业 饰)及时化解,以抛绣球招亲。几经波折,最终,六郎抱得美人归。潘家怀恨在心,暗通辽国。此时,辽军犯境,潘洪不愿其子作先锋,为此摆下擂台。潘家仗势欺人,引得七郎(梁朝伟 饰)登台,打死潘豹。潘顺势状告杨家满门抄斩,经调停,最终潘洪挂帅,杨家为先锋,征辽。路上遇贼人打劫,七郎阴错阳差与女扮男装的贼人成亲。辽宋和谈,结果却中了潘洪与萧太后设下的毒计……1985年11月TVB台庆大戏,导演杜琪峰,明星多达50余位。
回复 :正值35岁壮年的翼彦一(草剪刚 饰),是一个过了近20年刀光血雨江湖生活的资深黑帮成员,他隶属于黑道组织隼会。在全国逐渐加大打击黑道势力力度的今天,彦一不改其硬派作风,秉承着连黑道中人都抛弃的任侠义理精神独自前行。随着隼会八代目头领去世,彦一渴望能成为新一代的若头,结果却被新一代会长鹰山源助(松平健 饰)安排去一所老人看护机构“研修”。原来当今时代传统的黑帮生财之道已步履维艰,鹰山敏锐地窥见老龄化社会背后所蕴藏的巨大商机,这也是考量新生代干部的组织力量和经营头脑的最佳手段。万般无奈,彦一“空降”太阳老人院,和生为普通人的所长园崎康弘(大杉涟 饰)、新人美空晴菜(仲里依纱 饰)等人共事。在与那群孤苦伶仃、备受欺诈的老人相处过程中,彦一那颗硬若寒冰的心悄悄溶解……
回复 :Almost a year has passed since Ellen Parsons left Hewes and Associates. She is now working in the District Attorney's office and is dealing with a fairly important drug case, trying to get a dealer to reveal the identity of his supplier. Patty Hewes is now acting on behalf of a group of investors trying to recover money they had entrusted to Louis Tobin and who, it turns out, was running a Ponzi scheme. With billions of dollars unaccounted for, Patty is trying to find any funds that may have been hidden by the Tobin family. Patty and Ellen have had no contact since her departure but Patty has been reluctant to re-assign her office, convinced that Ellen will return. She even sends her an expensive handbag. Ellen wants nothing to do with her however and when she thinks Patty may be interfering with her drug case, tells her she doesn't need any help. She also tells her that any secrets she may have are perfectly safe. In a flash-forward 6 months into the future, Patty Hewes is in a serious accident when another car broadsides her vehicle in an intersection. The occupant of the other vehicle has fled but it is registered to someone she knows.