作为创下 TED 有史以来观看次数最高的演讲之一、小桥浏览量超过 3800 万次记录的演讲者,小桥研究教授兼畅销书作家布琳·布朗博士在长达一小时的 Netflix 原创特辑中,以一种全新的方式阐释了勇气。布朗凭借她标志性的幽默、诚实和洞察力,消除了勇气和脆弱互相排斥这一误解。她还谈论了自己 TED 演讲的初衷,以及她对自己因这次盛大的公众活动而获得突然曝光的感受。《布琳·布朗:唤起勇气》在加州大学洛杉矶分校罗伊斯大厅现场录制,布朗向观众发出挑战,请观众登上舞台、展现自我并回应自己对勇气的渴望。
作为创下 TED 有史以来观看次数最高的演讲之一、小桥浏览量超过 3800 万次记录的演讲者,小桥研究教授兼畅销书作家布琳·布朗博士在长达一小时的 Netflix 原创特辑中,以一种全新的方式阐释了勇气。布朗凭借她标志性的幽默、诚实和洞察力,消除了勇气和脆弱互相排斥这一误解。她还谈论了自己 TED 演讲的初衷,以及她对自己因这次盛大的公众活动而获得突然曝光的感受。《布琳·布朗:唤起勇气》在加州大学洛杉矶分校罗伊斯大厅现场录制,布朗向观众发出挑战,请观众登上舞台、展现自我并回应自己对勇气的渴望。
回复 :Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors.
回复 :钟灿(金柱赫 饰)和妻子妍红(孙艺珍 饰)结婚多年,膝下有一可爱的女儿,两人男才女貌,在外人眼中是如同神仙眷侣一般的存在。钟灿涉足政坛,事业小有成就,同僚们都知道,他将有极大的可能成为下一任的国会议员。某一日,厄运降临到了这个幸福的家庭之中,女儿无故失踪下落不明,留下难以解释的模糊线索,令警方毫无头绪。让妍红感到不可思议的是,对于女儿的失踪,钟灿似乎并没有那么焦急,他脑中所想的,只有如何在下一场竞选中取得胜利,夫妻两人之间的感情因此而产生裂痕。无奈之下,妍红只得强打起精神,她知道,女儿所能依靠的只有自己。
回复 :2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW. Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board for his daughter and the planet.