该精编版集结优酷站内《这!就是灌篮》系列节目的精彩高光内容,通过篮球聚焦青年文化,从高燃竞技运动切入带来不同的观看体验, 同时传递积极正能量的生活态度;每期策划不同主题呈现精彩名场面,内容覆盖热血时刻, 人气选手个人高光, 精彩赛事,传递推广体育综艺给观众带来视觉碰撞刺激,推广篮球竞技文化,强调集体荣誉感和个人拼搏逐梦精神,传播出篮球狂欢的“青春、热血、励志”正能量。
该精编版集结优酷站内《这!就是灌篮》系列节目的精彩高光内容,通过篮球聚焦青年文化,从高燃竞技运动切入带来不同的观看体验, 同时传递积极正能量的生活态度;每期策划不同主题呈现精彩名场面,内容覆盖热血时刻, 人气选手个人高光, 精彩赛事,传递推广体育综艺给观众带来视觉碰撞刺激,推广篮球竞技文化,强调集体荣誉感和个人拼搏逐梦精神,传播出篮球狂欢的“青春、热血、励志”正能量。
回复 :《战斗!!伊库莎1》是日本漫画家阿乱霊创作、连载于あまとりあ社的漫画杂志《レモンピープル》的短片漫画(单行本《みんな元気かい!!》有收录,ISBN 9784765902373)。1985年至1987年被改编制作成OVA动画作品发售,全3卷。
回复 :Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactures all over the world.
回复 :Dan Snow uncovers the lost Vikings in America with space archaeologist Dr Sarah Parcak. Sarah uses satellites 383 miles above the earth to spot ruins as small as 30cm buried beneath the surface. As Sarah searches for Viking sites from Britain to America, Dan explores how they voyaged thousands of miles when most ships never left the shoreline. He also tracks their expansion west, first as raiders and then as settlers and traders throughout Britain and beyond to Iceland and Greenland. In North America they excavate what could be the most westerly Viking settlement ever discovered.