朴妮It showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against the federal government in a siege of 51 days.
朴妮It showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against the federal government in a siege of 51 days.
回复 :七个年轻人抱着一夜暴富的想法投身直播行业,而思想保守,使得他们被工作室老板下达了最后通ddd。面临失业,他们来到了一个传闻闹鬼的恐怖别墅,冒险直播,但在直播过程中,有成员身亡,引发无数人关注,引爆网络。原本是一场人为的闹剧,却在这次意外中,愈演愈烈,接二连三的死亡,让直播布上了一层阴霾,事情变得开始不可控制,逐渐演变成了一场疯狂的杀戮。一夜惊魂,最终在警方的到来中结束。而真正的凶手嫁祸他人,杀人毁灭证据,却最终露出马脚,受到了法律的制裁。事件结束后没多久,又一批年轻人,抱着一夜爆红的想法,再一次的来到了这个别墅……
回复 :2008年,全球金融海啸,多国陷入金融危机,损失高达20万亿美元,数以百万计人加入失业大军,甚至丧失家园……本片通过详尽的资料搜集,追访全球金融业界猛人、政客、财经记者,披露金融大鳄的崛兴之路,公开业内和学界贪污腐败的政策背后的惊人真相。
回复 :Seasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.