由佳Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
由佳Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
回复 :信州农村的单身母亲(饭田蝶子 饰)在纺织厂辛劳工作,以供养独生子良助(叶山正雄 饰)上学。即将毕业的良助经老师开导,决定继续学业,然家境贫苦令其迟迟无法张口。了解到儿子的心情,为了让他过上美满的生活,母亲决定无论如何也要将良助送入东京的大学。十三年岁月倏忽而过,成年后的良助(日守新一 饰)从学校毕业,娶妻生子,在东京安定下来,母亲则依旧留在信州农村。满怀希望的母亲前往东京,却发现当初自己倾心培养的儿子只担任夜班老师,收入微薄,过着清贫的生活……
回复 :Release DatesCanada26 December 1983
回复 :古榕1994年推出的另一部电影《红尘》,以北京胡同为社会背景,展示了从六十到八十年代中国社会的动荡、变迁,给小人物带来的影响。古榕不是在电影的形式上出奇,而是以其精湛的画面叙事功夫,营造出流畅的,地道的北京胡同生活,同时拍出了北京胡同和四合院独特的美感和情趣。