回复 :由凯瑟琳·塔特编剧和执导的Netflix全新喜剧以女子监狱为背景,讲述一支纪录片团队进入HMP Woldsley监狱跟拍囚犯和工作人员,以笑中带泪的方式揭露了监狱的刑罚制度。塔特将一人分饰多角。
回复 :华山派大弟子令狐冲(吕颂贤 饰)生性放荡不羁,和古板严肃的掌门岳不群(王伟 饰)形成鲜明对比。令狐冲和岳不群的女儿小师妹灵珊从小就青梅竹马,各人都认为令狐冲日后将会继承岳掌门的衣钵。令狐冲虽然加入华山派多年,但武功一直平平,直到一次偶遇剑宗风清扬并被授予名震江湖的独孤九剑,令狐冲剑法大有进展。心胸狭窄的岳不群发现令狐冲武功大涨,大有超越自己之势,暗中对他十分不满。另一方面,林平之(何宝生 饰)家中因为藏有武林中人人欲得的葵花宝典而满门遭到毒手,只有他一人逃脱。岳不群为了获得葵花宝典而将平之招入华山派,表面上是为了保护平之,其实暗怀鬼胎。令狐冲被岳不群借口逐出了师门,连一向感情深厚的小师妹亦转投了林平之的怀抱,令狐冲心灰意冷之际开始独自闯荡江湖……
回复 :Touching Evil is a 1997 British television drama serial, produced by Anglia Television and screened on the ITV network. It consisted of six fifty-minute (one-hour with adverts) episodes. It was created by Paul Abbott, and written by Abbott with Russell T. Davies. The serial was very popular, and led to two sequel serials in 1998 and 1999, although these were not written by Abbott or Davies.The star was popular actor Robson Green, playing a police officer, DCI Creegan, whose injuries after a shooting leave him with strange abilities to sense criminals. Touching Evil III was co-produced by Green's own independent production company, Coastal Productions. Green's co-star was Nicola Walker, playing Creegan's colleague DI Susan Taylor.