回复 :Does the country have to compensate for a case against those socially weak?Sexual favors and harassment by the high class society, weak females of the society send them a warning.So-yeon is a college student who sues the government for not being able to protect the socially weak from sexual favors. She goes on national television to talk about this case. Hae-yeong is a broadc...
回复 :本片改編自《三國演義》之「連環計」,由四屆亞洲影后林黛飾演貂蟬。劇情講述漢朝末年,太師董卓(羅維 飾)專權禍國,諸侯群起聲討。忠臣王允(楊志卿 飾)利用貂蟬的美色,離間董卓和其義子呂布(趙雷 飾),終使父子反目,呂布殺了董卓,並和貂蟬成為眷屬。
回复 :拉辛(阿米尔贾迪迪 饰)因为欠债而入狱,在为期两天的假释裡,他的女友意外捡到一个装有17枚金币的手提包。拉辛原本想把这些金币转卖还债,但是可卖出的金额却远远不够还债。因此,拉辛决定转而寻找手提包的主人,希望能藉此获得一些奖金,没想到他的这项“义举”却意外在社群媒体上爆红……