回复 :CW已续订《初代吸血鬼》第五季。
回复 :《修女战士》改编自漫画小说,讲述了 19 岁的女子从停尸房醒来,重获新生而且背上嵌入了圣器。她发现自己现在是古老组织的一员,该组织一直在与地球上的恶魔抗衡,而代表天堂和地狱的强大势力都希望找到并控制她。
回复 :The second series of Outnumbered began on 15 November 2008. New characters in the second series include Barbara (Lorraine Pilkington), the next door neighbour who is meant to be brilliant at raising her children and always highlights Sue's problems,[5] and Jo, a female friend of Jake's, played by Michaela Brooks. Pete and Sue are suspicious that Jo may actually be Jake's girlfriend, although there is no evidence to suggest that Jake and Jo are more than friends. Angela appears less prominently in the second series than in the first, although she still appears in the first episode. Sue's demanding boss, unseen character Veronica, is replaced by another unseen character, Sue's new boss Tyson, who Pete is suspicious of. It is revealed in the final episode of Series 2 that Tyson was a conman.