回复 :「哦哦,勇者呦!」 由那样的惯例台词开始,被召唤到异世界的相马一也的冒险――没能开始。 为了保护自己而做的富国强兵的献策被国王所喜爱。竟然要把王位让给相马! 而且还作为国王女儿的婚约者,变成无处可逃的状况――。 就这样相马没能进行冒险,开始募集为了国家的再建所需的人材。从今以后相遇的人们,到底有着怎样多种“多才”的能力呢……!?
回复 :As "Alone" enters its fourth season, the competition series shakes things up with a new twist: the contestants are dropped off in a remote location as pairs. Seven pairs of family members travel to a rugged region of British Columbia, where they are separated and dropped off miles apart from each other. Each player must navigate the wilderness to locate his or her partner. Once reunited, the loved ones have to create their own shelters and forage for their food while overcoming rough weather conditions and deadly predators. They have nothing more than the contents of their small backpacks and 10 tools split between them to help with their survival. They also have enough camera gear to record their experiences because -- as in the past -- there is no camera crew. The last duo standing at the end of the season is declared the winner and takes home the $500,000 grand prize.
回复 :一座沉睡千年的古墓发现时竟被人盗掘一空,十年追索考古学家呕心沥血流落海外的稀世珍宝,一朝得见折戟沉沙中拼凑秦早期文明的神秘样貌。