回复 :高冷窃贼入室盗窃,却遭遇“被犯罪爱好者”。篮球少年博弈广场大妈——再现“一个球场,各自表述”。她沉睡、吵闹,哭泣,始终不愿意完成最后的拼图。他越狱、抢车、私闯民宅、提刀杀人,却最终收获爱情。多年未见的兄弟重逢,行窃同样靠脚步。出租车司机为实现撒尿自由,哪里都是公共厕所。父亲与狗同时走丢了,到底要先找谁?由7个独立故事组成的《对立面》,也是生与死,黑与白,亲密与疏远的实验。创作者以试图贴近赤诚的天性,直达的影像与情感中最尖锐、冲突的领域。
回复 :两个行事冲动的爱尔兰年轻人偷了一辆自行车前往海边,想从走私者翻覆的船里找到一包可卡因。
回复 :TJ, a proud, gay Muslim singer fulfilling his dream to represent France in Europe’s biggest song contest. ISIS decides to plant one of their operatives, acting as TJ’s boyfriend, into the French delegation in order to set off an explosion under the stage during the final performance of the event in Tel Aviv.The Israeli Mossad does know about the planned attack and they put their toughest, most experienced team into the contest in order to prevent a major catastrophe.