回复 :Waldo and Irene have been living with Margit for the four years that they have been engaged. Margit has planned the wedding and the honeymoon - in fact, Margit plans everything down to what they will have for breakfast every day. The only problem is that Waldo is a milquetoast and Irene does not want to be married to a milquetoast. So she says she is in love with Charlie, a bohemian artist/producer who lives in a trailer behind Spike's Place. When Margit confronts Charlie about giving up Irene, Charlie sees that she is the one for him. To make everyone happy, Charlie will have to help Waldo get a backbone. Written by Tony Fontana {tony.fontana@spacebbs.com}
回复 :这影片原是Fox拍摄的一部美剧的试播集,但FOX最终决定将其拍摄为为一部80分钟的电影在netflix上首映。作为电影可能挖了太多天坑,但一个男人通过一座神秘建筑进入无限的平行宇宙,遇到无限个的自己的故事很绝。
回复 :明朝年间,皇叔吴王密谋联手番邦篡取王位,谋反证物是一把武器库的钥匙,关乎国家兴亡之命脉,因乌龙巧合假扮大内密探的主人公卷入证物争夺之战,国家兴亡,匹夫有责,主人公最终联合大内密探,一举夺取了证物揭发了吴王,保卫了国家。