回复 :Plot Summary forParsifal (1982)Richard Wagner's last opera has remained controversial since its first performance for its unique, and, for some, unsavory blending of religious and erotic themes and imagery. Based on one of the medieval epic romances of King Arthur and the search for the holy grail (the chalice touched by the lips of Christ at the last supper), it recounts ove...
回复 :Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, crawling with ruthless traders and pimps, Oloture finds warmth and friendship with Blessing, Linda and Beauty, the prostitutes she lives with. However, she gets drawn into their lifestyle and finds it difficult to cope. In her quest to uncover the truth, she pays the ultimate price - one that takes her to the verge of no return.
回复 :《凤归梧桐》是一部乡村生活轻喜剧,兼具温暖治愈的人文情怀。顾志诚(田雷 饰)从小立志走出穷山沟,奋发图强挣得大好前程,正要与女友出国留学之际接到父亲病重的消息。他在回乡带父治病的过程中,与童年好友余杭(朱璇 饰)和果子(王旭东 饰)相遇,他们一个是坐拥诸多粉丝的乡村新闻官,一个却成了穷困潦倒的贫困户,同时顾志诚也亲历了村民鸡鸭果蔬卖不出去的窘境。经过一番内心挣扎后,顾志诚决定留下,与两个小伙伴一起用直播带货方式帮村民打开销售渠道,上演了一出充满励志与欢笑的温情故事。