回复 :Ryan's human-powered adventures are always inspiring as he proves that anyone can get out and explore the great unknown. Extreme Treks is part adventure, part exploration and part education. The best way to understand and respect the world around us is to put yourself right in the path of Mother Nature.Episodes: Tanzania, Morocco, China, USA, Peru, Nepal, Italy and Oman.
回复 : 该青年导演创制真人秀综艺节目是为扶持青年导演,助力中国电影“后浪”,为青年导演提供的一个“只拿作品说话”的展示才华的平台。导演陈凯歌、作家刘震云、演员舒淇、监制陈思诚共同组成“绿灯会”。六位优秀的青年导演郝杰、彭宥纶、王珞丹、易小星、沙漠、胡国瀚将在绿灯会的帮助下展开3轮角逐,接受票房、口碑、专业等多维度的评判,积累资金池,最终产出多部优秀短片并且决出1个“梦想席位”。
回复 :节目将聚焦星星姐姐团,她们一起踏上自由浪漫的治愈旅程,陪伴彼此,一起实现那些“想做、不敢、再等等”的心愿与约定,一起创造专属星姐团的珍贵回忆。